Sunday, 27 January 2013

Virgin Cream Soup

Virgin Cream Soup          10 Portions:

50 ml of olive oil
2 tea spoons of butter
1 Lt of heavy cream
1 Lt of chicken or, veal or, beef stock
500 ml of milk
50 gm of Parmesan cheese, grated
1 cup of leeks, cubes
1 cup of celery, cubes
1 cup of onion, cubes
10 cloves of garlic, smashed
5 cloves
1/2 cup of white wine
1/2 cup of parsley leaves, washed
1/2 cup of green onions, washed
3 cups of spinach, washed
3-4 bay leaves
5 tea spoons of corn starch, mixed with 1 cup of cold water (Slurry)

First, in a pot saute the onions, garlic, leeks & celery with the oil for 2-3 min. on a low-medium heat. Add the wine, cook it for 2 more min. Add the cloves, milk, cream, bay leaves and the stock. Now, simmer it for about 7-10 min. on a medium heat. Make sure you check it in-between and stir it gently for 2-3 times. In the mean time, in a food processor, blend the 3 green ingredients with 1 cup of water. Add this to the soup which is cooking. Continue cooking for 2-3 more min. Strain it using a china cap or, chinois. Bring it to boil, using the same pot (If it's not burned at the bottom). Add the Parmesan cheese and butter then stir it. Use the corn starch to make it thick. Make sure you whisk it vigorously while you pouring the corn starch slurry into the  soup slowly! Season it with salt-pepper. Serve hot. Gorgeous colour, texture and taste!

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