Saturday, 19 January 2013

Silver Fish Jhuri

Silver Fish Jhuri                 10 Portions:

10 servings of rice

1 kg of silver fisg, washed, rinsed
2 tea spoon of turmeric powder
1/2 tea spoon of chili powder
100 ml of olive oil
2 cups of onions, fine wedges
1 tea spoon of ginger roots, chopped
* salt

First, in a bowl take the fish and marinate with the t-powder, chili, ginger & salt. Bring the oil in a frying pan and make it hot. Turn the fire off. Slowly cook the onion on a medium heat till it's half way cooked (Light golden in colour). Take off the cooked onions and put it in a different holding container. Then, put the fish in the hot pan. Cook them on a medium heat, with the strained oil from the onions. You gave to cook it till it gets medium crispy. Mix the onions in it. Serve hot with the rice. Wonderful flavour and taste!

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