Monday, 4 February 2013

Dingo Rice Pilaf

Dingo Rice Pilaf               10 Portions:

5 cups of par-boiled rice
50 ml of olive oil
50 gm of butter
10 cups of chicken or, vegetable or, beef stock
1/2 cup of onions, chopped
1/2 cup of celery, chopped
2 tea spoons of garlic, chopped
1/2 cup of soy sauce
1 tea spoon of sugar
1 tea spoon of oregano flakes
1 tea spoon of chili flakes
2-3 bay leaves

1/2 cup of parsley leaves, washed, chopped

First, in a pot saute the onion, garlic, celery, c-flakes and b-leaves with the o-oil on a medium heat for 2 min. Then, add the rice and stir it gently. Add the stock, cover it and let it cook on a medium heat for about 3 min. Now, gently stir it and continue cooking for 3-4 more min or till they are cooked. Now, add the butter, s-sauce, sugar and stir it gently. Season with salt-pepper. Very easy but excellent dish. Garnish with parsley leaves and serve hot!

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