Monday, 4 February 2013

Chapa White Chicken Roast

Chapa White Chicken Roast                10 servings:

10 servings of mashed potatoes
1/2 cup of coriander/cilantro leaves, chopped
1/2 cup of (Fresh) basil leaves, chopped
1/2 cup of garlic, chopped
1/4th cup of onions, chopped
1/4th cup of red pepper, chopped
10 chicken breasts
10 tea spoons of Worcestershire sauce
1/2 cup of parmesan cheese, grated
2 tea spoon of orange zest, grated
5 cups of water
* Olive oil
*Cheese sauce (See Recipe below)

(Recipe for the cheese sauce) Cheese sauce ingredients are not included in the chicken recipe above!
In a pot, take 2 tea spoons of olive oil, 1 tea spoon of garlic (Chopped) and saute them for 1 min. on a medium heat. Add 2-3 bay leaves and 500 ml of heavy cream. Bring it to simmer. Discard the bay leaves. Add 3 tea spoons of parmesan cheese and stir it. Bring it to boil. Turn it off. Add some slurry (3 tea spoons of corn starch and 1/2 cup of cold water mixture) to make it thick. While you adding the slurry, make sure you whisk it vigorously to avoid any lumps in the sauce. Season with salt. Sauce is ready, keep it warm/hot.

First, pound the chicken with a wooden mallet. Cover the chicken with plastic wrap or, wax paper. To save time, cover several pieces with one sheet of plastic wrap rather than covering each one separately. Using a wooden mallet/pounder, firmly pound the entire surface of each piece of chicken to a ½ - to ¼-inch thickness, for medium pieces. You have to remember that, if you pound the chicken too hard or, too thin, it will tear. Not only does pounding reduce your cooking time, it also helps break down the chicken’s fibres and connective tissue to create a more tender product. Now, place the chicken on a clean counter. Lightly sprinkle some salt-pepper. Also sprinkle some garlic, onion, o-oil, r-pepper, w-sauce & o-zest. Roll them individually as tight as possible. Take a greased baking tray and place them in a row. Add the water in it. Bake it @ 325 Degrees F for 10 min. Take them out and pour the sauce on top of the chicken and sprinkle the p-cheese on top and cook it for 5 more min @ 375 Degrees F. Make sure the internal temperature reaches to 165 Degrees F or, higher. Serve hot with a side order of mashed potatoes. Real flavour, real taste!

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