Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Clear Vegetable Soup:

Clear Vegetable Soup          10 Portions:

1.5 lt. of water or, vegetable stock
1 Sachet (Cheese cloth tied with herbs -5 garlic cloves, 3 bayleaves, 10-15 pepper corn, 1 twig of thyme)
1 cup of celery, cubes
1 cup of carrots
2 cups of onions, cubes
1 cup of leeks, cubes
1 cup of fennel roots, cubes
1 medium size of red pepper, baked
2 tea spoons of sugar
2-3 tea spoon of olive oil or, butter

In a stock pot, cook all the vegetables with the oil/butter on a medium heat for about 3-4 min. or till they are firm enough. Add the stock/water & the red pepper in it. Add the sachet as well. Cook it for about 30 min. on a medium heat. Then, strain the broth with a strainer/china cap. Add the sugar and season it with some salt-pepper.

NB: It's an excellent soup for any season. Very fresh, lots of flavour and healthy!

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